Tuesday 8 July 2014

Garlic Time


The foliage of the garlic plants had become progressively yellow over the past few weeks. It was time to lift them and to start drying them in the greenhouse. Sunday afternoon was the designated cropping day. Until you actually dig the bulbs up you really don't know whether you are going to end up with nice fat creamy cloves or shrivelled memories of what might have been. Most of the bulbs are about two inches in diameter so a very satisfactory result. I expect that quite a few cloves will be roasted and frozen for winter use. The freezer still houses some of last year's crop.


The ground freed up as a result of my Sunday afternoon's exertions is now in use again. The new residents include thirty parsley plants, two dozen lettuce and some cabbage and cavolo nero. This is the time of year when space is at a premium in the vegetable garden.



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