Saturday 1 February 2014

Dogs and their Owners

During my exercise fix yesterday I came across several dog walkers and their faithful canine companions. Thankfully they all had their mutts on leads and I was not obliged to remonstrate with them and suggest that they take steps to secure their dogs if they did not wish to be hosting a visitation from their local dog warden on the morrow. It is all very well for people to say that their little fido won't hurt you, but I am not prepared to take the chance. It sounds as if I don't like dogs, but I actually do and indeed I have a notion of purchasing a dog in the next year or two.


They say that people tend to have dogs which reflect their own physionomy and I do think that there is something in this postulation. Among those that I espied with their dogs yesterday was a rather portly lady, short of stature and with that one buttock look. She was probably approaching her eighth decade. Her canine companion lolling along beside her was a low slung clumber spaniel. Another walker of dogs was a small and thin, citrus lipped female in her forties with a tight perm. Her dog of choice was a whippet.


What type of dog will I decide upon? At the moment I am leaning towards a Weimaraner. Maybe it could teach me to play the piano.

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