Monday 29 October 2012

Autumn Training

Despite continuing problems with my hip I turned out for the group training session on Saturday. Oh for a magic pill or potion to allow me to run freely with no pain! Still, two days on and two more runs and it certainly isn't any worse so maybe nature's recuperative powers have decided to work at last.

There were only five of us out on Saturday. We started off with an eighteen minute warm up on road and  path. That completed we then started into the session. For the two young Turks that involved 8 x 5min reps with three minutes jog between. Two of us had six efforts to do. Our fifth compadre was even sorer than I was, so his job for the day involved shouting encouraging expletives at us. The reps were run around a two kilometre undulating grass loop. No hills as such but one or two testing inclines. As I expected it was not long before I was running far in the wake of my much younger comrades. I suppose one has to get used to this and try to comfort oneself by remembering and recounting sessions of twenty five and more years ago. It was a tough session but enjoyable in the cool autumn sunlight. The session over we then regrouped and ran what had been our warm up route. Again about eighteen minutes running. I wasn't wearing my garmin but I expect that I ran something over ten miles in total. Probably enough to offset  the couple of glasses of wine which I quaffed that evening.

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